What Makes a Cone Legal for Road Use?

- Approved as channelizing device -- "tool used to temporarily guide traffic on public roads" -- by the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Safe for cars because it's molded from shock-absorbing plastic unlike stiff all-purpose cones
- Meets requirements for height*, color (chromaticity coordinates) and luster (luminance factor) set by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
When Are Traffic Cones Used?

Work Zone
"An area of a highway with construction, maintenance or utility work activities."*

Incident Zone
"Imposed by authorized officials in response to a traffic incident"* (incl nat disaster)

Planned Event
"Closing a street for a festival" or "Extended throughout a municipality"* (ex. marathon)

Special Lanes
Divide vehicular traffic lanes or channelize pedestrians and cyclists
*All quoted statements from MUTCD, 2009 ed.


Drivers Ed

Animal Training


Property Hazard*

Indoor Caution
*Modified image. Original provided by Andrew on Flickr
Traffic Cone Sizes
Legal Use
Everyday Use
Roadways > 45mph (required size in certain states incl DE & FLA)
Industrial/utility facilities and entryways

Traffic Cone Manufacturing

Flow Molded
- Solid piece with no seams
- Body has more give
- More economical
Injection Molded
- Two-piece, interlocking-base
- Body is more firm
- 50% recycled materials
Other Types of Traffic Cones
Pop up cones are a safer, more energy efficient alternative to road flares. They’re made of nylon, foldable, and use a switch-powered LED bulb instead of an open flame. First responders use these instead of traditional traffic cones to indicate emergencies. Some drivers also carry them in case of incident as they conveniently collapse and include a handy carrying bag.
Tubular "Delineator" Cones

Hollow traffic cone tubes including grabber cones, looper tubes, and grabber tubes are recognized by the MUTCD for delineation purposes – usually roadside or off-road. They’re designed to string tape, chain, cone bars and more. Frequently used for crowd control.
Traffic Cone Accessories
Customization for Custom Traffic Cones


Reflective Collars*


